ARTI x Repower

Let yourself be/Дозволь собі бути


Our first joint project, with Repower was back in 2023, when we created an initiative that helped get more people involved in fundraising for the rehabilitation of military medics and organized an incredible filming and interview with active military medics, among whom was a medic who survived captivity.

But we understood, that we want to continue to create something common and decided that we can realize our manifestations through the creation of a joint Charitable collection

ArtiхRepower - Let yourself be/Дозволь собі бути

charitable collection

Charitable collection philosophy

One of the inspiring stories that gave us the seed of the idea for our Charitable collection was getting to know the project made by Repower – Behind the smile

What is hidden behind the smile of each of us? Or as the famous Ukrainian writer Lesya Ukrainka used to say, “I laughed so I wouldn’t cry.”

We smile to keep from crying, to hide the pain inside, to keep from telling that special story that is so hard to share. We smile to comfort, to give hope, to enliven, or to instill faith that everything will be okay.

Every Ukrainian tries to hide his story behind a smile every day, which he is afraid to voice or share – because it is not on time, it is not so important, others live much harder. He is afraid, even, to allow himself to give meaning to his own story, whether it is positive or negative, because someone hurts more.

The story that he hid behind a smile in order to appear stronger, more courageous, more innocent or more sensual towards others. We forbid ourselves to live them, hiding them somewhere deep inside, in the region of the heart or soul, where only we can go. When it’s dark and nobody can see, or when you’re alone.

And what if it is allowed? Allow everyone and not only Ukrainians, but each of you to live your own special story? The story that changed you, that you hid either behind a smile or deep inside, a story that was only yours and wasn’t allowed to be lived.
What if each of these stories is important and has changed you or your life, or your relationship with your relatives, or your place in society.

Everyone behind closed doors has a story that is worth living, watching, thanking for the experience and for what it has made you – You, those who are now sitting and listening or reading our words.
Or you still need to allow it to be and only you can allow it, because every story has meaning and is important.
And we really wanted to remind you of this and illuminate your light, your meanings, your stories.

Painting on our clothes

We really wanted to convey all these meanings in the picture: to depict a silhouette in which each of you will see yourself, small or adult, strong or wounded, in one or another period of life – special for you.
And then a ray of light, the light that illuminates the most intimate – will open and illuminate your soul, the place where you hide something of your own and especially intimate.
Part of the light is your blank canvas, on which you will relive what is important to you in your imagination with your eyes closed or open. Because every story matters. To remember our history, drag it into this light and allow ourselves to live it – this is our mission.

We understood that now these meanings should be transferred to the clothes that we will create and its key tasks should be the following:

Maxim Skalatskiy

The main goal is to raise funds through the sale of all items from this charitable collection, all profits from which will go to the rehabilitation of active military medics. By purchasing an item, you have the opportunity to remind every military medic, who saves the lives of hundreds of soldiers every day, that behind a smile on the face there can be a smile in the heart. You give them moments of true happiness, joy and strength, which they need so much right now. Each purchased item is 10, 20, 30, or 50% of the rehabilitation of one doctor.

And another, equally important mission of this project is to remind each of you that this light in the picture is your permission to live your story, close your eyes, remember it and allow yourself to live your stories, which sometimes hurt and sometimes heal. And every time you wear this thing, you will remind yourself of your strength, kind heart and smile with a heart.

Poetry Let yourself be

Коли промінь світла пробиває крізь вікна
When a ray of light breaks through the windows
Ти стоїш наодинці в тіні
You stand alone in the shadows
Твоє тіло тремтить,
your body is shaking
Душа гучно мовчить
The soul is loudly silent
Промінь світить туди,
The ray shines there
де вже давно тебе сильно болить
where you have been in a lot of pain for a long time
Та якщо ти дозволиш цій історії статись
But if you let this story happen
Хоча б, на одну коротеньку мить…
At least for one short moment…
Ти побачиш, що поруч,
You will see that nearby
Серед гори самотності,
Among the mountains of loneliness,
Стоїть той, кого так само сильно болить
The one who hurts just as much stands
Все, що траплялось на твоєму шляху –
Everything that happened on your way –
все частинка тебе
everything is a part of you
Дозволь собі бути. Дозволь це відчути.
Allow yourself to be. Let me feel it.
Подаруй комусь віру, що все погане – мине
Give someone the gift of faith that everything
bad will pass
Скажи страхам гучно – я є, я тут
Tell your fears out loud – I am, I am here
Візьми за руку себе і йди
Take your hand and go
Промінь прокладе тобі вірний маршрут
The ray will guide you in the right direction

By Arti


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